Height of the tongue tip

Table of contents
  1. (1) Bumps at the tip of the tongue
  2. (2) Indentation at the tip of the tongue

The tip of the tongue represents the Heart, the middle is the stomach and spleen, the edge is the liver and gall bladder, and the root is the kidney. Great attention should be paid to the tip of the tongue, because it is the main gate for the three-Jiao energy crossing over the shoulder to the Back Jiao, and it represents connection of the Upper Jiao with the Back Jiao.

Bumps at the tip of the tongue
Bumps at the tip of the tongue

BSM realizes a close relationship between the postnatal driving force and the Lungs. The energy in the Lungs crosses over the shoulder blade and downward to the Back Jiao, then collides with kidney cells and nourishes them, hence increasing the driving force of the body. The tip of the tongue indicates the clean energy by ascending and the turbid energy by descending, and also indicates the circulation of Ren and Du meridians, which are the free circulation of energy.

(1) Bumps at the tip of the tongue

The bumps at the tongue tip indicate that the energy accumulation around the Heart area creates high blood pressure and affects the blood circulation (bumps at the tip of the tongue). The Heart and Lung are close to each other and affect each other, hence dissipating the energy accumulated around the Heart; first, the energy around the Lung area should be circulated well.

(2) Indentation at the tip of the tongue

An indentation at the tip of the tongue indicates that there is insufficient matter inside the Heart cells, as well as poor blood circulation in the Heart ( Indentation at the tip of the tongue).

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